Grateloupia lithophila Borgesen


Grateloupia lithophila Borgesen


Plant in dense tufts on hard substratum; thallus flat simpne or irregularly divided, 10 - 15 cm long, 0.5 - 2 cm broad, linear lanceolate tapering from the middle to both the ends, sinuate and undulating; upper ends of the fronds, truncate becoming more or less broadly rounded; proliferation arising from upper end and from the sides of fronds; section of thallus with a central medullory and peripheral cortical potion; cortical portion of short dichotomously branched filaments; cells of medullary region adjoining cortex, about the same size as cells of cortex, regular in shape; tetrasporangia are celled, scattered over the surface of the thallus; cystocarp sunk in the thallus.

Distribution : Maharashtra, Goa, Honawar, Bhatkal (Karnataka)

Ecological status : Intertidal zone.

IUCN status :NE

Uses :

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